Saturday, June 22, 2013


haha aku ada jawab beberapa kuiz yang sangat menaarikk.

engineer type : civil engineer. waaaa. aku taknak jadi civil!!!!
The Engineering Personality Quiz
You are highly perceptive, and know what people think of you. Your work has a lot of meaning to yourself and others. You have a good eye for aesthetics.

You might make a good
Civil Engineer
Civil engineers design and manage construction of large projects like roads, airports, bridges, dams, and buildings.

Other scores:
Civil: 46% Aerospace: 38% Materials: 38% Environmental: 30% Industrial: 30% Chemical: 30% Electrical: 15% Computer: 7% Mechanical: 7%
need a boyfriend? : tak. katanya aku perempuan yang tough. weyy haziq nak letak mana? :'(

evil type : creatively evil. haha. 48.89% kreatif aku buat jahat ni.

hobby type : creative hobby. 26.6% dia suruh aku main sudu. wadafa?
When inspired, you can get enough ideas running through your head to keep you busy for hours. Your hobbies are sometimes a little different from other people's because you can't express yourself in the same ways everyone else does.

Our Potentially Ridiculous Hobby Suggestion For You:
Playing Spoons Everybody's got spoons, so everybody can be a musician. Go you.

color type : GOLD.  heee lawa betul warna aku dapat.
Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definitely not afraid to get in and stir things up. You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random "gut feeling".

Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation
geek decades : 1970's. makhoyy. bapak tak updated aku ni haa. 

invisibility : most invisible. tak heran orang lain dah. haha

militant feminist : FAKE. wahaha. so aku feminist laa ni??

moon phase : 1 oct 94, d.o.b aku
You were born during a Waning Crescent moon
This phase occurs right before the new moon.

- what it says about you - 
You appreciate closure. It bothers you when people promise to do something and then don't follow through. You want to able to right the wrongs of the past. Studying history motivates you to improve the world. You put a lot of hope in the future and look forward to seeing technology and progress improve our lives.
Psychic : 93 % aku ialah psychic. hebat.
I can accurately predict whether someone: 
has a houseplant  likes puppies  understands computers
I cannot tell whether someone: 
has been to Europe
Rainbow colour : I am shaded orange and blue!
What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate a challenge. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. Others are amazed at how you don't give up.
useless quiz : geez. test macam ni pun ada

dewey decimal : 576 Genetics & evolution. dia kata aku nerd :'(
nur farah amyra = 4186181813581 = 418+618+181+358+1 = 1576

500 Science
Math, astronomy, prehistoric life, plants and animals.

What it says about you:
You are fascinated by the world around you, and see it as a puzzle worth exploring. You try to understand how things work and how you can make them better. You might be a nerd.
 sungguh lawak. anyway, buat aku terfikir jugak. acano la diorang boleh terfikir nak buat kuiz ni. haha.

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tett tett tettt. kisah betul kau dengan aku kan. :P